Amazing Elementary Student Retreat Theme: Loving & Being Loved Day 1 07:00 Sambut-sarapan 09:00 Opening 10:00 Ice breaking 10:30 Ground Rules 11:00 Group activities 12:00 Lunch 12:30 Makan siang 13:30 Game Rakyat 30 menit 1. Bakiak 2. Gasing 3. Dingklik 4. Englek 5. Bekel 6. Kelereng Sendok 16:00 Snack + Mandi 17:30 "My Self 19:00 Dinner 19:45 "My Family" 21:00 Night talk Day 2 06:00 Bangun 06:30 Morning Reflection 07:00 Breakfast 08:00 Session XY 09:00 Amazing Race Per 8 menit…
Experience Transformation of Life Changing Retreat Camps Global Citizenship, Personal Discovery & Community Building For Students Experience Transformation and Life Changing Retreat Camps is all about three days to a week stepping away from daily activities, not to forget, but to have an inner journey to reflect, discover, and find further, and therefore, enlarge the horizon from everyday experience. This 'widen horizon' would give possibilities for students to find perspective and preparation even to "move the highest mountain" of their life.…