Fire Walking Motivational Training

Fire Walking Motivational Training: Everyone should join!

Fire Walking Motivational Training is a systematic program Simulation to definitely increase your personal motivation.

So it is relevant for either employee, sales team, and leaders in order to create breakthrough. This training program Simulation for sure will take you out of your “Comfort Zone” and take you to the next level.

Fire Walking Motivational Training helps us understand that we need to overcome so many false believe. My Guru call that ‘illusion’. It stands between us and our goal. That’s why we often say it is impossible, it’s hard, while we don’t even try yet. We are stuck in so many fears and lies we tell our self. And above all, we love reasoning, complaining, judging, making excuses. Instead of being in the now and talk about what really happened we create stories, we are afraid, we are lazy, we are  incompetence, and we are always want looks good and avoid looking bad in facing challenges of life.

Therefore we let our life be ruled by all that old believe, we become automatic just like an engine. We are powerful beyond measure, we should be the hero we want to be. This Fire Walking is a simulation an a therapy to conquer all that within our self and win your life.

Fire in Fire Walking Motivational Training is the symbol of the challenge (our fear, laziness, bad habits, procrastination, doubt). Beat the fire and you beat the challenge that stand between your and your dream.

The result of this Fire Walking Motivational Training simulation

  • Eliminate procrastination
  • Own courage to strive
  • Boost high initiatives
  • Destroy the fear of failure mindset
  • Sharpened skills and self potential
  • Set up beautiful future
  • Let you know how to walk on ‘fire’
  • Destroy any false believe (illusion) & let you know the right one
  • Let you know you that you can beat the fire
  • You can walk on fire
  • Help you to be the winner
  • Realised your potential
  • Know why some success and some failure
  • Know the foundation to success and what need to be left behind

Certainly this is a challenge by choice, so our stands for you all is for you to do it. Testimonies speak about firewalking or walk on fire has transform the quality of your life forever. It is a true happiness for us during FIREWALKING when most participants do it and grow. Some perhaps would not do it, and it’s fine also. It is an honour to witness decision making during this process. We also encourage the culture of respectful and make room those who choose not to do the activity since it takes an amazing personal decision making process. Often we find returning participants who finally chose courageously this activity in the next opportunity.

Do you have any issue feeling mentally restricted? Having traumatized by past experience and makes you in the slow track? You want to be more motivated and be more positive? Destroy all fear and be brave and courageous once and for all? That is exactly why you should do this Fire Walking Motivational Training!

What is Fire Walking Motivational Training?

Fire walking is a systematic therapy method to unleash your potential by walking around 3 meter on burning coal. You will be walking (not running, or jumping) on a burning frame after instruction from the facilitator or the trainer. the fire is hot and burning like any other fire, no magic involve.

We start with indoor session with motivational session, and teamwork for around an hour before going to the main course breaking the mental block by walking on fire.

Probably the burning flame warm and light in the location for FireWalking  build atmosphere that can make you feel afraid to do it. Worries is irrelevant, it is hot but if you do it according to the instruction it would not burn you. Even small injury would not happened in this fire walking training.

How to do it safely?

Facilitator would demonstrate first how to do it. Above all they want make sure you believe you can do it, that you know it is harmless, and that you would do it in the corridor of safety procedure. Then the challenge is to have faith, build courage, and walk with confidence. Remember all your reason dream, goal, be at the sense of your destination, and follow the trainer guide.

Taking your life to the next level.

Finally, fire in Fire Walking Motivational Training indeed hot. But fear, in-confidence, low self esteem, unsure, indecisive, is more dangerous. We need to get rid them off or they will burn and destroy our dream future. That is why fire Walking Simulation is one of the most effective way to destroy them. Do it and you’ll understand, but never do it by yourself, always under professional supervision. Your decision in  firewalking is taking your life to the next level and transform your way of seeing life forever.

Set up your #goal, master your #mind, conquer your #fear and create your #BREAKTHROUGH!

Contact now, for event booking:
Click to Chat With Patrick +6281288220888
Click to Chat With Tasya +6281212551888

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