In the serene mountains a monk had unexpected encounter with a loose horse led to a chaotic exchange, revealing the fascinating concept of amygdala hijacking. This neurological phenomenon, discussed by Paul D. MacLean, unveils the intricate dance between the rational prefrontal cortex and the impulsive amygdala. Behaviorist theories, notably Thorndike's Laws of Effect, Exercise, and Readiness, shed light on the stimulus-response dynamics. The introduction of the Law of Readiness emphasizes the importance of a thoughtful pause, differentiating reactive individuals from…
Experience Transformation of Life Changing Retreat Camps Global Citizenship, Personal Discovery & Community Building For Students Experience Transformation and Life Changing Retreat Camps is all about three days to a week stepping away from daily activities, not to forget, but to have an inner journey to reflect, discover, and find further, and therefore, enlarge the horizon from everyday experience. This 'widen horizon' would give possibilities for students to find perspective and preparation even to "move the highest mountain" of their life.…