
PT Trimitra Karya Cipta

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PT Trimitra Karya Cipta An amazing program in Sangria resort and spa Bandung all the participants from PT Trimitra Karya Cipta. This well established Supplier of Oilfield Equipment to Oil & Gas Company in Indonesia, specializing in mechanical and electrical component, light weight process equipment takes every challenge serious. In order to internalize the corporate vision: "Constantly growth and become Respectable, Reliable and Committed Supply & Services Company for Indonesia’s Oil and Gas Industry" everybody involve in the team building program.…

ID Adventure

PT. Pandega Desain Weharima

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[gallery columns="4" link="none" ids="512,511,510,509,508,507,506,505"] Mohammad Danisworo Associates (MDA) -with (PT. Pandega Desain Weharima / Planning & Development Workshop (PDW)) as its business entity- is a planning and design consultation firm, which specializes on strategic planning, urban and environment planning and design, as well as architectural works. Mohammad Danisworo, Ir., M.Arch., MUP, PhD., professor of Architecture and Urban Design from the Department of Architecture, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) in company with a core team of MDA founded the firm in 1997.…


PT Harpackindo Ottofleksi

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A full day team building activities with 35 team member involve in the program. With remote and beautiful venue at Bukit Air Ciomas as background, team had ice breaking activities, and were grouped in to two group and 2 area activities. One area in are for Paintball Challenge and other area are for other team development simulation. As a supply chain company, most of the employees were under warehouse suply chain management, so some of the culture values translated in…

History PT System Solution Indonesia & ID Adventure ID ADVENTURE has been working together with PT System Solution Indonesia or PT SSI or internationally known as AMDOCS for two years. We have been trusted to held Team Building in Bogor, west Java and a corporate event, Jakarta.  The event  was for INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION AND HALAL BIHALAL OF AMDOCS 2013”. Both event had a team building atmosphere and competition activities. Great enthusiasm from all the participants amazing energy through the whole…

PT Surya Toto Indonesia

PT Surya Toto Indonesia

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PT Surya Toto Indonesia More than one hundred participants from PT Surya Toto Indonesia involve in the program. Mr. Mohdar, during the opening speech said that it is the time for team building and ID adventure here to makes sure Toto will create more bonding and better team work. Excitement and spirit to win is amazingly develop rapidly from beginning to the end of the program. Burning sun are not a huge challenge for all team to keep standing up…