
PT Trakindo Utama

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Around 40 volunteer of floor warden from each floor of the new building of PT Trakindo Utama done this team building and short safety training. "This full day training during weekend was not intended as a full safety training, it is more to prepare participants for the real safety training. Making sure they are mentally ready and able to work as a team. The demand is high for floor warden in a high building because they have to know how to lead people during emergency situation. That's…

PT Surya Toto Indonesia

PT Surya Toto Indonesia

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PT Surya Toto Indonesia More than one hundred participants from PT Surya Toto Indonesia involve in the program. Mr. Mohdar, during the opening speech said that it is the time for team building and ID adventure here to makes sure Toto will create more bonding and better team work. Excitement and spirit to win is amazingly develop rapidly from beginning to the end of the program. Burning sun are not a huge challenge for all team to keep standing up…