Corporate Firewalking Price

Corporate Firewalking Price
Corporate Firewalking Price
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“How much does a Corporate Firewalking Price?” is a question that is asked at the early stage of most Corporate enquiries. Here at ID ADVENTURE we get that. Budgets are important and are often one of the key factors as to whether a Corporate Firewalk will get the go-ahead from the Management Team.

Like most Team Building events, there are many considerations that determine the final cost for a Corporate Firewalk. We will take you through these in a moment and hopefully, they will help you get an idea how much you should expect to pay for a Corporate Firewalk.

Factors that influence the Corporate Firewalking Price

To work out the Corporate Firewalk cost there are two main considerations: The Number of Participants and the Location.

Let’s break these down.

How does number of participants affect the Corporate Firewalking Price?

A Corporate Firewalking Price inIndonesia is IDR 45 million and allows up to 50 participants. If you have more than 50 people, they are charged at IDR 1 million per person.

Of course, as an example, if you have a small team or company of 10 people, this can seem like a very high price. Luckily, we are passionate about what we do and will work with you to bring that cost down to something that is more affordable.

We have done plenty of Firewalks for smaller teams. Indeed, a few years ago we did a Corporate Firewalk for 5 people. That involved payment plus a trade of services. If there’s a will, there’s a way.

If you have a small team we will consider the location, time involved, your purpose and the bigger picture to help with the costs.

You should still expect to pay somewhere in the region of IDR 25 million – 35 even if your numbers are low. And if your Team get all that they can from the Firewalk, this is money very well spent. Some participants testimonies say, “The event was professionally co-ordinated, enlightening and thoroughly enjoyed by our entire team.”

How does location affect the Corporate Firewalking Price?

We deliver Corporate Firewalks all over the world. Sometimes we work with partners and this keeps the costs down. Other times, we fly to where we are needed, and this incurs extra costs.

We have been fortunate enough to deliver events in Bali.

For events in the Indonesia, we have a number of bases we operate from, so extra travel costs are rare.

What’s included in the Corporate Firewalking Price?

As part of our Corporate Firewalks and Team Building service we provide:

  • A dedicated Event Management team
  • Detailed Risk Assessments and Event Management Plan
  • A dedicated Delivery Team which includes Qualified Firewalk Instructors and fire tender
  • Professional Event Photography
  • Years of experience and customer care
  • All the Fire Walking activity equipments & set up 
  • Complete clear up of the Fire Walking set up
  • FireWalk  Preparation and the Firewalk session

How much do other Firewalking Companies charge?

We will have to pass on this one. We have no idea how much other companies charge for sure but we are aware that some start charging from £3500 to £5000 in Ireland, and if you are in the USA, many start charging from $10,000. You’ll have to do some investigating.

Reduce the time to reduce the cost.

Sometimes we will be asked if we can reduce the time of the event to reduce the cost. This doesn’t really work, our time commitment and cost remain the same whether we are with you for 1 hour or 4 hours. That’s why we always recommend allocating minimum 4 hours for your Corporate Firewalk. You might as well get as much value as you can; and you will get a lot of value.