Here's an extensive list of 50 CSR-focused team-building ideas, 50 Inspiring CSR Team-Building Adventures: Uniting Purpose and Impact!": Beach Cleanup Day: Organize a day where teams clean up a local beach, river, island or even village clean up, removing plastic and waste.CSR Trivia Challenge: Host a trivia night focused on social and environmental issues, raising awareness while having fun.Support Local Artisans: Plan a market day where teams support local artisans by selling their products and donating proceeds to a charity.Health…
The Jungle Survival Training in Baluran, East Java offers an opportunity to acquire essential survival skills amidst the tropical environment of Java Island tropical jungle. There are two primary motivations for participating in this training: a genuine desire to establish a profound connection with nature and the aspiration to prepare for potential natural or man-made disasters. The program in Baluran's jungle environment caters to individuals seeking both basic and advanced survival skills. Upon mastering foundational techniques, participants can further enhance…
30 Dynamic Team Building Ideas to Energize Corporate Events" Team building is the backbone of a thriving workplace. It fosters camaraderie, enhances communication, and boosts productivity. Corporate events provide an excellent platform to engage employees in activities that strengthen teamwork. Here are 30 innovative team building ideas to supercharge your next corporate gathering: Icebreakers and Warm-ups: Two Truths and a Lie: Encourage participants to share interesting facts about themselves, challenging others to spot the falsehood.Human Knot: Have teams form a…
DETAIL PROGRAMCategory : Corporate TrainingDuration : 8 jam (1 day)Level : BasicVenue : at your own arrangements Silabus Great Speaker Workshop Great Speaker Workshop adalah program training Public Speaking level dasar. Dikemas dengan corak kreatif, dinamis, interaktif, entertaining dan intensif. Proporsi teori-praktek: 30%-70%. Training membantu peserta untuk TAU, SADAR, INSAF dan MAMPU memilih berubah karena peserta mempunyai pilihan-pilihan yang lebih efektif dan mudah untuk meningkatkan rasa Percaya Diri dan lancar bertutur. Great Speaker Workshop ini adalah JENDELA untuk membantu peserta…
Gambaran AcaraSekitar 200 pax peserta terdiri dari keluarga-keluarga yang rencananya menghabiskan satu atau 2 hari, special dalam setahun untuk ‘Family Gathering’, liburan re-kreasi dan re-koleksi bersama seluruh keluarga besar (Gereja, dan atau keluarga). Tujuan retreat keluarga ini diantaranya nya adalah saling mengenal satu dengan yang lainnya. Sadar bahwa kita disatukan dalam wadah kekeluargaan dalam Gereja Kristus.Kami siapkan games dan simulasi untuk kelompok usia anak, remaja dan dewasa serta keluarga bernuansa eksperiential learning untuk membangun ikatan persaudaraan yang kuat. Gathering games dalam…